wetting angle

英 [ˈwetɪŋ ˈæŋɡl] 美 [ˈwetɪŋ ˈæŋɡl]




  1. At the same cooling rate, the quantity of grain decreases with increase of wetting angle factor and the relation between the quantity of grains and wetting angle factor is minus exponent with e-number.
  2. The formula that expresses the relationship between the wetting angle() and spreading area ( S) has set up by mathematical model.
  3. The wetting angle between the copper mold and Zr-Al-Cu-Ni alloy melt is rather big, so the glass forming ability is strong.
  4. Through the measurement of wetting angle and ESCA characterization, it is confirmed that substrate has been modified.
  5. I had invested preparing brazing alloy by powder metallurgy method in contrast with electric arc smelting method and measured wetting angle by measuring data reciprocal form method in contrast with sphere simulation technique method.
  6. The effect of silver and rare earths on wetting properties of Sn-Ag-Cu-RE lead-free solder by adopting commercial water-soluble flux was researched by means of spread area and wetting angle.
  7. The wetting test of active solder Ag 66 Cu 30 Ti 4 to ZrO 2 was studied in this paper. The interfacial product of solder ceramic was defined and the dependence of wetting angle and reaction layer thickness on temperature was obtained.
  8. Surface modification is able to increase wetting angle between nano-TiO 2 particles and water, and improve stability of nano-TiO 2 in water when it is dispersed fully.
  9. The optimum sinter temperature is at which wetting angle is around zero.
  10. This paper deals with the influence of metal and alloy on the measurement of wetting angle of microdot artificial diamond by means of microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
  11. Zeta potential of the composite pulp and the wetting angle of the material sample wetted by oil and water are measured.
  12. That the water lock damage is related to the factors as the water saturation, capillary pressure of reservoir, liquid surface tension and wetting angle, etc.
  13. Based on the classical nucleation theory, the wetting angle between alloy melt and inner surface of the shell mold was calculated.
  14. The wetting angle of the gas/ liquid system is not at all equal to zero, but can be changed by the surface-active agent.
  15. Experimental results indicate that Nb is wetted well by Ni with the wetting angle of 21 ° at 1368 ℃.
  16. It is shown in the measuring results that there is a correlation between the wetting angle and the system temperature, and the results are similar to that obtained from the block ceramics and liquid pure metal.
  17. Adding CH M 8, DDA 18, CH 2 C to enhance wetting angle, and to enhance lipophilicity;
  18. Surface tension and wetting angle measuring by suspending drops
  19. The influences of organic binder G on granulation are studied. With the addition of binder G the wetting angle of water on fine ore surface is decreased, which results in the hydrophilicity enhancement of the fine ore and strengthens the granulation process.
  20. Make use of dripping experiment to test the wetting angle of materials undergoing surface treatments, which is 32 °.
  21. The effects of density, surface tension, viscosity and reactive wetting angle of liquid Si on infiltration ability were analyzed.
  22. Results Wetting angle of plastic surface is reduced. No remarkable changes appear on the surface of the denture base acrylic resin after plasma treatment.
  23. The results show that when the wetting angle factor does not change for a given metal, the quantity of grains increases with increase of cooling rate and has a linear relation.
  24. The thermodynamics wet process of the coating and the affecting wetting factors were discussed. At the same time, the wetting ability of the coating was investigated by means of measuring wetting angle of the coating on the surface of titanium alloy.
  25. Measurement of wetting angle data show that the regardless of the lipophilic surface or hydrophilic surface, rock surfaces change to the hydrophilic surface of direction by absorbing of MD film.